
Timeline runs on multiple platforms. If you can run Python and wxPython you should be able to run Timeline.

The recommended way to install Timeline is with a binary package or installer. If that is not available for your platform, you have to install from source.

If you have problems installing Timeline, please see the Support page for ways to get help.



We provide a binary installer for Windows. It installs an executable version of Timeline that is self contained and doesn’t need any other dependencies.

Download one of the following installers:

The beta version is for users that want to try the latest features and give feedback on them before a release.



Timeline exists in the Fedora repositories. Install it with the following command:

sudo dnf install timeline

The version included in Fedora is often not the latest. If you want the latest version, you have to install from source.

Installing from Snapcraft

Installing from source


Download one of the following source packages:

The beta version is for users that want to try the latest features and give feedback on them before a release.

When you install from source, you have to install required dependencies yourself. See the next section for instructions how to do that. Once that is done, and you have extracted the zip file, you should be able to run Timeline with this command:

python3 <path-to-timeline-directory>/source/


If you get an error similar to the one bellow, there is probably a dependency missing:

$ python3 source/
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "source/", line 64, in <module>
  File "source/timelinelib/wxgui/", line 35, in setup_humblewx
    import humblewx
ImportError: No module named humblewx

Installing dependencies

This section describes how to install the software that Timeline depends on.


There is most definitely a binary package or installer for your platform.

Timeline requires Python 3.

wxPython (Python package)

There is probably a binary package or installer for your platform.

Timeline requires version 4.0.0 or greater.

humblewx (Python package)

A Python package that we extracted from the Timeline source code because it could be generally useful.

The latest version can be installed with the following command:

pip install --user git+

icalendar (Python package)

markdown (Python package)